Starting Point: Take Your Next Step

Are you ready to bring your relationship with God to another level, but not sure where to start? With Starting Point, we’ve made it easy for you to follow Jesus and build a Godly community around you.

Starting Point is the place for everyone looking to grow spiritually. This three week class is distinctly designed to help you move forward in your relationship with Jesus while having fun and connecting with others along the way.

Week 1:
Know God Personally

Learn more about the Mission, Beliefs, and Core Values of Coppell Bible and the foundations of the Starting Point Journey.

Week 2:
Follow Jesus Together

Explore the concept of biblical community. This session covers each believer’s call to include others in a walk with God.

Week 3:
Share Him with Others

Learn more about the gifts and unique abilities God has placed in you and how you can make an impact in the world around you.

Upcoming Classes

Starting Point sessions begin the first week of every month for three weeks straight. Starting Point begins at 9:00 am. Each session lasts approximately 1 hour. Please fill out the form to register for our next session.

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